Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/10 Meeting Minutes

Here are some updates from last week's meeting, to keep everyone in the loop...

* Tanya Lyapustina is an awesome new member dedicated to working on the co-op project with us. Woot! We are super happy she's on board
* 11:30 on Fridays at the co-op is our official meeting time until the end of the semester
* Natalia, Deirdre & Rachael were also at the meeting... Dave couldn't attend due to a prior committment

* We recapped our goals for the end of the semester:
o Create timeline & benchmark goals leading up to Fall 2010 cooperative house
o Outline and choose a financial option, and make progress & contacts in that direction
o Present at Community Roots (April 30th)
o Establish & maintain a blog
o Create a Mission Statement
o Compile Bylaws from other cooperative houses
o Get 3 more core-members to join our initial efforts

* We decided to prioritize our presentation for the Community Roots meeting
Presentation will be two-fold: 1) VIDEO 2) What is co-op housing?


o Talking about & displaying the ills of housing in College Park & the potential for cooperatives as a viable, awesome solution
Part 1--horrible housing in CP: commons & parkside (no neighbors), outside of the view... oh no, they're building another!, horrible knox box landlords (show broken stuff), etc..
Part 2--happy images: gardens, sharing meals, sharing chores, etc...
Part 3--explinations/voice-overs: student power & ownership, community meals, responsible housemates, social consciousness & activism, meaningful friendships, community, connections, etc etc...
o Deirdre's boyfriend & friend (Jeff & Andrew) do a lot of film work... they will film us & edit FRIDAY APRIL 24
BY 4/24 WE NEED:
people to testify about their housing in College Park (friends, us, whoever)

2. What is Co-op Housing? (reallllly simple power-point or handout)
3 main points we'll 'hit' them with
1-CHEAP: show 2 charts: UMD price comparisons, Peer University price comparisons
2-STUDENT OWNED & MANAGED: consensus driven, democratic, 1 person/1 share, initiative-based, etc.
3-COMMUNITY: meals, parties, meaningful connections, fun, coolness, etc...

* Next week (this Friday 4/17) we will focus on (tentative):
o Time line
o NASCO/financial connection
o Mission Statement

* Don't forget to mention co-op housing to all of your friends! See if anyone you know wants to be committed to the process. We need 3 more core-members!

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